a little update

It’s been a while since i’ve written a post. I’d said to myself after my last post that i’m gonna get into it more. Start writing weekly. But, as you can see. That didn’t happen! My bad.

A lot of things have happened though! The biggie – I had a baby! Yes, Norah is now a big sister to little Ruari George. He was three days late and I couldn’t have been more ready. I was fed up, uncomfortable and in lots of pain with my hips. His birth was extremely fast, and extremely painful! But obviously it was all worth it. He weighed 8lb 7oz and seemed so massive compared to his sister who was 6lb 13oz! He looked nothing like his big sister, he had lots of dark hair and darker skin than she had. But now at seven months old, they do look pretty alike.

The past seven months have gone by so so quickly. Ruari Boy has mastered rolling, sitting up and in the last few days, the army crawl. He’s on solids and LOVING them. He has two teeth. He goes to swimming lessons. And he is absolutely adored by his big sister.

When we first brought him home, she wasn’t interested in the slightest. It worked quite well though, she wasn’t jealous, or smothering him, she just plodded on doing her own thing. But as the months went on, she became so much more grown up, and watching how she is with him every day melts my heart. He loves her too. His little face lights up when she comes in the room.

Having two under two has been challenging at times. But, if i’m being completely honest, not as hard as I thought it would be. However. I think the first six months are going to be the easiest. Now he’s on the move, and getting in to everything, things may get a little bit more tricky!

Norah isn’t a baby anymore. It pains me to say it, but also fills me with pride. She’s such a big girl. So independent, so clever, so funny! She’s not two until the end of May, but those ‘terrible twos’ have definitely begun!

Some days we’re all up, dressed and ready to leave the house by 9am. Some days we’re still in our pj’s when Dadda comes home. Some days we achieve lots, some days we don’t. And when I say ‘we’, I clearly mean me hah! But we’re okay with all of that! Every day we laugh and have fun! And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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